Driving Digital Change Through Customer-Centric Experience

Alireza Abbasi

My journey has created the profession!

Hi! My name is Alireza Abbasi. And here is my story:
As customer expectations quickly change, experience is the new way companies stand out. Many struggle to connect digital innovation with what customers need. I team up with organizations to create their digital vision and make it real. My skills allow me to bring together business goals and customer wishes for joined digital experiences that go beyond expectations. I help companies succeed in the digital world by putting the customer first.

A marketing-themed light bulb glows with words like e-commerce, marketing, CRM, and digitalization.

Image created by DALL.E 3 and edited by me!

I have had different hats in different areas during my work journey - from digitalization projects, marketing,  and Sales to Design and Quality Management. Here are the main ones:

And here you can check the skills that I learned and developed during these years:


e-commerce management

  • Overseeing eCom development and needs

  • Enhancing the purchasing journey and improving the overall customer experience

  • Working closely with stakeholders such as customers, business leaders, development teams, and internal resources to ensure seamless operation.

  • Ensures seamless operation

  • Data Analyzing

  • Increasing the number of orders and decreasing the cost per order compared to other sales channels.

Customer relationship management

  • Revolutionizing work processes and how we communicate with stakeholders

  • Unifying marketing efforts such as Email marketing, social media activities, campaigns, etc

  • Tracking sales activities and KPIs

  • Transforming the way of supporting customers

  • Increasing the NPS score


  • Managing API's integration implementation, development, and maintenance with customers and suppliers.

  • Utilized API setups to revolutionize processes, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Improved the customer experience by providing real-time access to data, order status, inventory level, etc.

  • Utilizing APIs in business processes

Project management

  • Managing key initiatives using various skills and tools.

  • Leading cross-functional teams for eCommerce, CRM, and API integrations.

  • Focusing on risk identification and mitigation through careful planning.

  • Collaborated with stakeholders for goal alignment and task management.

  • Monitoring and adjusting project progress to stay on track.

  • Contributing significantly to the successful rollout of various platforms and integrations.

  • Achieving positive results through effective planning and execution.

  • Consistently delivering projects on time and within budget.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing & offline marketing

  • Leading data-focused online marketing projects.

  • Initiating digital changes and launching diverse campaigns.

  • Acquiring broad digital marketing skills.

  • Enhancing tasks for better performance indicators.

  • Managing offline marketing projects such as events, fairs, etc.

  • Coordinated marketing activities across online and offline channels.


  • Establishing brand identity.

  • Implementing brand guidelines.

  • Communicating the concepts with different teams.

  • Ensuring alignment of business needs and company culture within communications.

  • Creating memorable brand experiences.

Related experiences

Photography & graphic desing

Throughout my career, I gained considerable experience in a graphic studio, where I enriched my knowledge of art, graphic design, and photography. This period was instrumental in significantly enhancing my visual skills and familiarizing myself with related software such as the Adobe Suite.These skills in visual design and software have proven to be invaluable assets in my professional journey. They have empowered me to produce visually striking and effective designs that not only fulfill project requirements but also surpass client expectations. The ability to craft impactful visuals has been a pivotal element in the success of my projects. I persistently apply these skills to ensure the high-quality output in my everyday tasks.

Quality management system

I sharpened my process and critical thinking skills during a quality management systems project (ISO9001). I was responsible for establishing and implementing the Quality Management System (QMS), ensuring the maintenance of the processes.
I was also tasked with identifying areas for improvement and potential bottlenecks and ensuring that the organization was fully aware of customer requirements. This role required a deep understanding of quality standards and managing complex projects effectively.
These skills and experiences have been invaluable in my career journey. They have enabled me to manage projects effectively, ensure quality standards, and deliver results that meet client expectations. I continue to leverage these skills in my current role, contributing to the success of my projects and the organization's growth.

Skills & tools

A marketing-themed light bulb glows with words like e-commerce, marketing, CRM, and digitalization.

Soft Skills

  • Creativity

  • Teamwork

  • Problem-solving

  • Critical thinking

  • Adaptability and flexibility

  • High ownership

  • Independently & Interdependently

  • Open-mindedness

  • Attention to detail

  • Strategic thinking

Hard Skills

  • Project management

  • Inbound Strategy

  • Digital marketing strategy

  • Omni-channel marketing

  • Data (Sales and business) analyzing

  • Defining and analyzing ROIs and KPIs

  • Graphic design

  • Professional photographing

Software & tools

  • Google products - GA4, Tag Manager, Ads, Search Console

  • Analytics tools - Power BI, Google Looker Studio

  • Microsoft Office - Excel, Word, PowerPoint

  • Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign

One more thing, I am a fast self-learner who can learn new software and skills during my work process to help me deliver better results and outcomes!

let's get connected!

© All rights reserved | Alireza Abbasi | 2024.

As eCom manager, I take care of different aspects, including overseeing the webshop's development and maintenance. My focus is enhancing the purchasing journey, improving customer experience, and maximizing the product value by adding new features and tools to the platform based on business needs. I work closely with stakeholders such as customers, business leaders, development teams, and internal resources to ensure seamless operation.
In addition to these tasks, an essential part is to analyze the data we properly collected using different tools, such as Google Analytics and Power BI, to understand user behavior and product performance better and continually improve their experience.
For example, that's how we increased the number of orders compared to the other sales channels and decreased the cost per order.

As the CRM owner and project manager of our CRM platform (HubSpot), I successfully handled a project that revolutionized how we work within our sales, marketing, and service teams. Our new processes and systems enabled us to achieve numerous achievements, including launching a comprehensive website with more information and resources for our visitors (CMS Hub).
Today, all marketing activities are under the same roof, including email marketing, social media activities, and digital campaigns across various platforms such as Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn (Marketing Hub).
We changed how we communicate with our customers. Also, we can track our sales activities and measure their effectiveness (Sales Hub).
The service team has also undergone a transformation, with new tools such as pipelines based on customer needs, chat tools and bots, customer portals, ticketing systems, etc. There are metrics such as ticket opening and closing times and SLA compliance to measure the team performance, find the bottlenecks, and increase customer satisfaction (Service Hub).
That's one of the main reasons we increased our NPS (Net Promoter Score) from -24 to 42 within 1.5 years.

There are many advantages of focusing on Integrations (API). When a company establishes APIs and utilizes them in business processes, it builds an ecosystem that can communicate more easily with partners.
I have been responsible for managing the implementation, development, and maintenance of API integrations with customers and suppliers. With well-structured API setups, we have the potential to revolutionize our processes, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. By having this in-house, we can automate repetitive tasks and free up sales and service reps' time for more strategic and essential work.
APIs improve the customer experience by providing real-time access to the data, order status, inventory level, etc.

As a project manager, I utilize various skills and tools to ensure the successful delivery of key initiatives. A core part of my role is overseeing cross-functional teams to implement new systems and processes, like those mentioned above, for eCommerce, CRM, and API integrations.
My project management approach focuses on understanding requirements, identifying risks, and planning appropriately to mitigate them. I collaborate closely with stakeholders to align on goals, create realistic timelines, and secure the tasks. Throughout a project, I monitor progress, facilitate collaboration, and make adjustments as needed to keep everything on track against the plan.
Effective project management was critical to the successful rollout of the eCommerce platform, CRM, and API integrations. The positive results we achieved are proof of solid planning, communication, and execution.

Over the years, I've been successful in leading online marketing projects and growing businesses using data-focused strategies and improvements. I've been at the forefront of digital changes, launched campaigns across different platforms, and gained skills in areas like SEO, PPC, email marketing, content marketing, improving sales funnels, and using analytics. My ability to think analytically helps me continually enhance activities and tasks to improve key performance indicators. With a wide range of online marketing skills that cover both strategic planning and hands-on work, I'm excited to use my knowledge to achieve results and meet client objectives in new tasks and opportunities.Besides my broad online marketing experience, I also have valuable skills in traditional offline marketing channels. I've handled projects including planning events, designing product catalogs, creating promotional items, and producing materials for point-of-sale.My experience in managing marketing campaigns across both online and offline channels has given me a comprehensive view and the ability to implement strategies across all channels. I use offline methods and printed materials to support digital efforts and reach target audiences through different ways.

During my marketing activities, there were some points we needed to update or renew our brand elements. We wanted to create an excellent brand image in the minds of our audiences, so we needed to ensure that the visuals were easy-to-remember and up-to-date. Also, we had to ensure that the organization's culture, business needs, etc, were included in the package. How we put our words and the words we use to deliver our message is part of branding efforts.
I was involved in many branding and rebranding projects, from finding the brand name to implementing the brand guidelines in different topics.
For me, it's essential to have a clear and concise brief outlining the goals and objectives of the brand. This brief should be communicated effectively to the design team to ensure they can deliver the best output possible.
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